if not me then who...will tell my story


try something you have never done

My mother just told me the other day that the calendar that she purchased for 2006 inspirations for the month of January is if you want something you have never had try something you have never done…so keeping in that sprit I this year plan to do 100 or so things I have never done or have not done lately. I am going to use this blog to hold myself accountable to those things that I have resolved to do for this year.

1. Let my friends and family how much they mean to me through my words and actions more often…I have been blessed with a wonderfully supportive family and a great group of friends that are like my extended family.

2. Take better care of my temple i.e. mind, body and sprit…as the saying goes you only have one life to live, thus you have also been given just one body, mind and soul to live it in…Over all I am fairly healthy or so said my doctor at my last physical, but I know I can do better on the body front and I will with my sister/gym partner’s help…I am also pretty well educated with a BS in engineering and a Master’s in international business, but I fear to much time spent in front of the television is turning my brain in mush…so off it goes and out comes my library card…as well as my renewed love for all things cultural. My GOD have mercy on my soul for I think I have forgotten that what I am is God’s gift to me what I become is my gift to him…right now I feel like a mediocre gift to him…and I also think I have lost that deep personal connection but a little daily talk to the man upstairs should do the trick.

3. After the temple I shall focus on my financial health…taking more responsibilities for my spending actions, after all money does not grow on trees.

...to be continued


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