if not me then who...will tell my story



I really do not like lettuce and therefore cannot eat a green salad in public...it just does not feel right asking the waiter to have the cook hold the lettuce. Why do I bring this up? Because my cousin came over we went to the gym came back and had salad, which I made with my own two hands...I gave it to her, she looked at it and said where is the lettuce. I said I do not like lettuce and do not have any to add.

She really did not care...but I just thought I would put it out there just in case any of you where planning to have me over for dinner in the new year.


  • hello! i really like to know who are you....?! i think we didn t start in the best way...just because yhe queen of soul lol :) soooo...who are you? age?name? etc...

    By Blogger AnaLuisa*, at 11:02 AM, January 03, 2005  

  • Iceberg lettace is nasty. The darker green. . . like spanich is pretty good or better than iceberg. I am findng soups are a good sub. but watch the salt.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:36 PM, January 07, 2005  

  • all these years and i had no idea...just how well do i know you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:43 AM, January 20, 2005  

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