if not me then who...will tell my story


try something you have never done...continued

4. Take part in an act of civil disobedience after all it is my right as a tax payer & regular voter to exercise my every freedom as an American citizen…while the USA is a great place soooooooooo much could be changed to make it a better place…I hope that I do not get arrested in my challenge of an unjust law to improve my life and that of my fellow man, because after all it is my sister’s and cousin’s motto “jail no bail”…maybe I should just start saving for my own bail now, and while I am saving I should also investigate which law I should challenge and how…

5. Take a trip out of the country with a family member(s)…this year I got my sister and cousin passports for Christmas since neither of them has ever left the confines of the USA…hey both of them have signed up for Spanish classes so maybe somewhere south of the boarder or Spain!


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