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Learning in the car

Wow 2005 is off to a great start...I have been on a few dates, to a few clubs...and hung out with a few friends both new and old. And in two weeks I am headed south of boarder to Mexico. So I decided to learn Spanish in my car...since I spend so much time in there I figure I will have it mastered in a few weeks or at least I will know how to ask for the bathroom.


  • Donde esta el bano?

    I think that's it, or something like it...that's just me trying to sound it out, duh. Anyway, I picked that one up, and

    Uno cervesa por favor. (Give me a beer please)

    Neither of which came in handy when I went south, but oh well, I found my way around and never went thirsty.
    Have fun in Mexico!

    By Blogger Jay, at 1:29 PM, January 10, 2005  

  • get in the mood during Spanish lessons and hang a pita from your mirror

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:14 PM, January 11, 2005  

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