if not me then who...will tell my story



Have you ever been just mad at the world and decided it better if you stay in...to protect the world from you rather than you from it? Today is that day for me. The problem is that I have no food in my frig, so I am going to have to pull it together soon or I'll starve...I am thinking Freebirds on Greenville.


Nothing to say

Tonight I am spending the night in San Antonio...maybe tomorrow night too, which is fine! I think my job is swallowing my life and I may never get back to Dallas to sleep in my own bed. It could be worse, I could have no job or one stuck behind a desk...so I am not really complaining just longing for my own bed.


Cancun for free

It was not sooooo bad. Going to Cancun with 300 folks from work, actually I had a good time! Bien menos el paseo de taxi al aeropuerto y mi discurso pequeño con la policía...I mean that part of the trip was only 20 mintues of unpleasentness...I got to go snorkeling for the first time, sit out on the beach, and drink off other people's bar tabs :) What else could I possibly want out of a 5-day free trip to Cancun with all of about 12 hours of real meetings?

Love my job 89.9% of the time!!!!