if not me then who...will tell my story


Just last night

So I am in Columbus, Ohio visit my bestest goodest friend, Manika, and her super cool husband, Jason. Last night she made a great chicken taco dinner with ceviche and a lettuce-less salad. They also had another friend, Nikki, over as well as her cousin, Love, for some light after dinner conversation. Everything was going great until the end of the night when everyone left...and I asked my friend, Manika for something for my head ache and she says oooooh have you ever taken an Airbore it was create by a teacher. I said nooooo and she said since we were out in the snow all day that I should take one. Okay no problem...she gives me this big horse looking tablet and just as she is doing it the phone rings...I looking at the pill thinking this thing is really big and I should chew it before swallowing...it smelt of citrus fruit but then I thought it might taste really bad and just decided to swallow it whole...I do and the tablet gets stuck in my throat and I start foaming at the mouth and coughing...Actually I think I was choking and on my way to dying yet again (I have somehow had many near death experiences)...I hear Manika saying oh my God she foam at the mouth I have to go...then she starts yelling and coaching me to "Cough it up Cough it up" after about 3 seconds I do and then she informs me that I am not suppose to swallow the Airbore whole but dissolve it in a glass of water like an Alka Seltzer...WHO KNEW!!!


1997 Neon

So I have spent the last few days trying to get my sister's car fixed...The first guy I took the car to at the suggestion of her boyfriend...did nothing!!! And charged me $45 for looking at it. The problem with the car is that it will cut off while you are driving down the street and thank God it is a stick and DC is hilly cause once it cuts off you have to kick start it from 2nd gear. But I found driving like I was in the Indy 500 and never taking my foot off the gas works a little better. So yesterday I took it to a guy my Dad knows you know one of those guys you bring me the part and I will fix your car...His thought was that the motor mounts had worn out which was causing the engine to jump out of place while running therefore causing an electrical disconnect somewhere else in the system. He also thinks the starter and the fuel filter need replacing...I am going to call him now to see if he is finished with the car...

I think the car knows that my sister was planning on getting a new car after she gets her tax return back!!! Her car is a hater...



6. I think I shall find my artsy side...let the inner artist in me shine...let the yellow spot develop in to a sun. I am not sure if my inner artist is a painter, knitter, actor, or something else all together but, I do know that my inner artist is not a dancer or singer as somehow the beat in my head is not the same beat everyone else hears therefore making me appear as if I have no rhythm. Please note that this fact does not keep me from signing in the car or dancing in public.


try something you have never done...continued

4. Take part in an act of civil disobedience after all it is my right as a tax payer & regular voter to exercise my every freedom as an American citizen…while the USA is a great place soooooooooo much could be changed to make it a better place…I hope that I do not get arrested in my challenge of an unjust law to improve my life and that of my fellow man, because after all it is my sister’s and cousin’s motto “jail no bail”…maybe I should just start saving for my own bail now, and while I am saving I should also investigate which law I should challenge and how…

5. Take a trip out of the country with a family member(s)…this year I got my sister and cousin passports for Christmas since neither of them has ever left the confines of the USA…hey both of them have signed up for Spanish classes so maybe somewhere south of the boarder or Spain!

The veggie burger

In my quest to improve my over all health I am trying to eat the daily recommended amount of fruits/vegetables...in other words I am trying to find time to choke down 5 of them a day. Just wondering does a veggie burger count as a vegetable?


try something you have never done

My mother just told me the other day that the calendar that she purchased for 2006 inspirations for the month of January is if you want something you have never had try something you have never done…so keeping in that sprit I this year plan to do 100 or so things I have never done or have not done lately. I am going to use this blog to hold myself accountable to those things that I have resolved to do for this year.

1. Let my friends and family how much they mean to me through my words and actions more often…I have been blessed with a wonderfully supportive family and a great group of friends that are like my extended family.

2. Take better care of my temple i.e. mind, body and sprit…as the saying goes you only have one life to live, thus you have also been given just one body, mind and soul to live it in…Over all I am fairly healthy or so said my doctor at my last physical, but I know I can do better on the body front and I will with my sister/gym partner’s help…I am also pretty well educated with a BS in engineering and a Master’s in international business, but I fear to much time spent in front of the television is turning my brain in mush…so off it goes and out comes my library card…as well as my renewed love for all things cultural. My GOD have mercy on my soul for I think I have forgotten that what I am is God’s gift to me what I become is my gift to him…right now I feel like a mediocre gift to him…and I also think I have lost that deep personal connection but a little daily talk to the man upstairs should do the trick.

3. After the temple I shall focus on my financial health…taking more responsibilities for my spending actions, after all money does not grow on trees.

...to be continued