Just last night
So I am in Columbus, Ohio visit my bestest goodest friend, Manika, and her super cool husband, Jason. Last night she made a great chicken taco dinner with ceviche and a lettuce-less salad. They also had another friend, Nikki, over as well as her cousin, Love, for some light after dinner conversation. Everything was going great until the end of the night when everyone left...and I asked my friend, Manika for something for my head ache and she says oooooh have you ever taken an Airbore it was create by a teacher. I said nooooo and she said since we were out in the snow all day that I should take one. Okay no problem...she gives me this big horse looking tablet and just as she is doing it the phone rings...I looking at the pill thinking this thing is really big and I should chew it before swallowing...it smelt of citrus fruit but then I thought it might taste really bad and just decided to swallow it whole...I do and the tablet gets stuck in my throat and I start foaming at the mouth and coughing...Actually I think I was choking and on my way to dying yet again (I have somehow had many near death experiences)...I hear Manika saying oh my God she foam at the mouth I have to go...then she starts yelling and coaching me to "Cough it up Cough it up" after about 3 seconds I do and then she informs me that I am not suppose to swallow the Airbore whole but dissolve it in a glass of water like an Alka Seltzer...WHO KNEW!!!